The Manifesto for Agile Software Development: Embracing Change and Collaboration In the ever-evolving world of software development, agility has become a crucial element for success. The traditional waterfall approach, with
agile, agile manifesto
adaptability, agile frameworks, agile software development, businesses, change, collaboration, collective intelligence, core values, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, customer needs effectively, customers, delivering functional software early and frequently, exchange ideas, face-to-face conversations, flexibility, flexible and responsive to evolving requirements, guiding principles, human interaction over rigid processes or tools, individuals and interactions, innovative solutions, iterative improvements based on real-world feedback, linear progression, manifesto, manifesto for agile software development, ongoing collaboration with customers or end-users throughout the project lifecycle, open communication, processes and tools, provide feedback, responding to change over following a plan, rigid processes, solve problems together, tangible results sooner, waterfall approach, working software frequently, working software over comprehensive documentation